The benefit of taking a liquid vitamin as oppose to a pill is that the liquid absorbs better into your system, therefore giving you better results. A vitamin can have all the right ingredients, but if it does not absorb into your system, then it will not benefit you at all. This is one of the reasons why many people take supplements and see very little results. Their body is not absorbing the nutrients effectively into the bloodstream, that will give them that extra added benefit of increased hair growth.
Tips for getting the most out of your beauty supplements
Always take your supplement with food, it absorbs better this way.
Do not take more than the recommended amount stated on the bottle.
Always drink a full glass of water when you take your vitamins.
Drink 64 ounces of water daily
When taking single supplements find out what other vitamins you should take with it. There are many vitamins which need another vitamin in order to work properly. For this reason it is best to take a multi-vitamin supplement.
My 3 month review of the Mineral Rich liquid multi vitamin supplement.
3 month results with Mineral Rich
Length of bangs on Jan. 2013
January 27th, my bangs measured 8.5 inches
Day 55 of taking mineral rich bangs measure 9 inches
Bangs are chin length here .
From chin length to 1.5 inches pass chin length.
On April 7th, my bangs had grown to 10 full inches. In 3 months I gained 1 and 3/4 inch of new hair growth. On average my hair grows 1/4 inch per month. So far Mineral Rich has increased my average hair growth rate by one full inch. I will continue to take Mineral Rich throughout 2013
Bangs are now chest length
Bangs stop at top of "B" |
May and June length check for Mineral Rich liquid vitamin. My bangs now touch my chest area. In the above previous picture they are not touching my chest although the picture looks as though they are.
My bangs now measure 11.5 inches.
For April 7th-May 7th -June7th-July 7th=3 months. My normal hair growth rate would give me 3/4 of an inch of new growth in 3 months. But taking the Mineral Rich liquid vitamin during this time helped me to gain 1.5 inches of new growth. Again my hair growth rate has doubled.
My hair growth for July/Aug is 1/2 inch thus far. Now my bangs measure 12 inches long. If you notice they now reach pass the middle of the letter "B" but in my prior photo they only touched the top of the letter "B". So Mineral Rich liquid vitamin is still keeping me above my normal slow growth rate of 1/4 inch per month. Even considering that I took a break from the supplement for a little while. I plan to continue to take the Mineral Rich at least until October, then I may try something else to see if it will give me even more growth. Have not decided yet, but do stay tuned for my updates.
Hair cut: I did take several inches off of my bangs so they now measure 9 inches instead of 12, but watch how fast they grow back and more!
If you are reading this and you are a slow hair grower, then I would invest in this vitamin or a liquid vitamin rich in B vitamins. This supplement will double your hair growth rate when taken consistently.
Side note: During parts of July I took a 30 day break from the Mineral Rich, so I can measure how much this vitamin is helping me.