Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Understanding your hairs porosity

All hair is porous, meaning that products, in particular water, can penetrate its surface. Some peoples hair is more porous than others, and hair on the same head can be overly porous one day the next month less porous. Products, hair care habits and elements greatly effect our hairs porosity. If you are on a journey towards growing longer healthier hair your first step should be to get your hairs cuticle to open and close properly. The goal is to have normal porosity, this is when your hair cuticle closes when it should and opens when it should.

Understand that overly porous or under porous is not a hair type, it is a hair condition. Unlike hair types, conditions are subject to change. Most people have overly porous hair due to their improper shampoo habits or using products which are not PH balanced for the hair. Most women think this is just the way their hair is, and adopts being overly porous or under porous as a hair type, when it is a hair condition. Again the goal is to have a healthy working cuticle that closes when it should and opens when it should. This goal is easily attainable, by following a specific regimen for 30 days. Remember this is the first thing you need to do when starting a healthy hair regimen.

30 day correction for overly porous hair:
Products needed: PH balance strips, non sulfate PH balanced shampoo, organic apple cider vinegar, a deep moisturizing conditioner, plastic caps, hooded dryer, bottled or filtered water and a leave in conditioner.
Steps to take:
Shampoo your hair twice a week with a non sulfate shampoo. Be sure the shampoo has a PH b/n 5.5 and 6.0. (purchase PH balance strips to test all of your products this is the only way to know for sure)

1. After you shampoo and deep conditioned your hair. Always rinse your shampoo out with warm water, this ensures the cuticle is opened to receive the moisturizing benefits of your deep conditioner.  Once you rinse out your deep conditioner you then need to do a ACV rinse.
Apple Cider Vinegar rinse recipe:
1/4 cup of ACV
2 cups of filtered or bottled water

2. Pour this ACV rinse over all your hair/scalp saturate really good. You should use at least 1/2 of your mixture or all. Allow to soak into your hair for 3 minutes then rinse for 3 minutes with the coldest water you can stand.

3. Apply your leave in conditioner and style. Do not use a blow dryer or any type of heat during the 30 days. Let your hair air dry.

1, 2, 3 that is it! 

Shampoo your hair again in 3 days after your first shampoo/ACV rinse
But this time do not use the ACV rinse, but remember to ALWAYS RINSE YOUR DEEP CONDITIONER OUT WITH COLD WATER.

Shampoo again after another 3 days this time you can use the ACV rinse. 
Following the above instructions.

 You will do a  ACV rinse every 6 days.

After two weeks of this regimen you will notice that your hair retains moisture better and you will not have to apply  a leave in conditioner everyday, so you will start to save a lot of money.

Your steps in 30 days: Easy, inexpensive and simple to follow!
Day 1: Shampoo, DC follow with ACV rinse
Day 4: Shampoo, DC rinse out DC with cold, cold water. Skip ACV rinse part
Day 7: Shampoo, DC, follow with ACV rinse
Day 10: Shampoo, DC rinse out with cold, cold water, Skip ACV rinse part
Day 13: Shampoo, DC follow with ACV rinse
Day 16: Shampoo, DC rinse out with cold, cold water, Skip ACV rinse part
Day 19: Shampoo, DC follow with ACV rinse
Day 21: Shampoo, DC rinse out with cold, cold water, Skip ACV rinse part
Day 24: Shampoo, DC follow with ACV rinse
Day 27:  Shampoo, DC rinse out with cold, cold water, Skip ACV rinse part
Day 30: Shampoo, DC follow with ACV rinse

Remember no direct heat for 30 days. Only heat you will use is when you sit under a hooded dryer with a plastic cap for 20 minutes twice a week. No blow dryers, flat irons or curling irons. For best results. Remember to rinse shampoo out with warm water, but rinse deep conditioner out with cold water.


  1. i am so doing this when the hair challenge over!!! thanks for the insightful (instructional) information.

    1. Thank you sorry I am just seeing your posts.

  2. You are welcome when you do it let me know if you have additional questions. But after you finish the current Gain an Inch in 30 days challenge you will probably find that your hair is no longer over porous but normal. So you may not even need to do the above regimen.

  3. I just came across your blog this morning and I am really enjoying the posts. I've been suffering from very dry and breaking hair after joining a Henna challenge recently. I did a test once and discovered my hair is under porous. Can you recommend how to normalize the low porous condition? Thanks much!

    1. If you did the sink and float test that test is not always accurate. With henna you have to do lots and lots of DC'ing you need to blast the hair strands with moisture. Because the henna that is left stuck to your hair, prevents the moisture from getting into your hair strands good. This leads to dryness and breakage in your case. If your hair cuticle is laying flat and does not want to open, then you use heat to make the cuticle open and before you get to the heat you wash the hair with Dr. Bonners peppermint soap, or clay wash. Why these products? Because the soap and clay wash will clarify your hair strands and help the cuticle to open, while also removing lots of the henna deposits, so your deep conditioner will have a chance to work better. Then you want to deep condition with a heat source, be it a hooded dryer or steamer. Do this twice a week for 3 weeks. You will notice a huge difference.

  4. Hi :-) thank you so much for this post! I never knew why my hair always felt super dry, brittle. Today is day 26 and I've noticed such a big difference praise God! I've gotten others with the same issue on board, and they too have noticed a difference. I was wondering, if I still notice dryness, should I continue this treatment or should I do something different. Thanks Vee!

  5. By now your hair should be retaining moisture very well and by that I mean at least 2 days or more. Once you have finished you want to implement the CoilyQueens regimen in taking care of your hair with this regimen you hair is treated and taken care of and you should not experience dryness. If you do experience dryness then first examine the products you are using making sure there are no ingredients in your leave in conditioner or styling products causing dryness.

    1. Ok, I will start the CoilyQueens regimen...thanks again for your time and knowledge.

    2. Hi regarding the hair care regimen you mention stimulating hiar roots using the coilyqueens sauna method. I've looked on your site and can not find it, can you please help me out. Thanks.

  6. This is my first time on your site. I noticed you on my Facebook. I can't wait to start your haircare regiment. My hair is in twist with Marley hair so I have to wait until next week. I find when I use my shea butter mixture & seal it with olive & grapeseed oil, my hair is super soft & it retains moisture very well. I have been natural for 3 years now, but I have only discovered all of these wonderful sites this year. I feel like my hair should be longer. It is shoulder length when I flat iron it. I have lots of shrinkage when it is wet or humid...I hate that! I hope that I am doing this correctly. I have been looking @ lots of tutorials. I even learned how to do my own twists & protective twist with Marley Hair extension. I am loving being natural & my husband on 32 years loves it. He loved it so much until 2 years into my natural. He got twist & then he let them lock. His hair is as long or longer than mine! Lol

  7. You want to work on getting your hair to grow at least at the average rate of hair growth which is 1/2 inch per month. That would be 6 inches per year and 18 inches in 3 years. So if your hair is only shoulder length, and you did not cut it a lot, then you need to work on retaining length and increasing your hair growth rate. Following the coily queens regimen will increase your hair growth rate if it is followed correctly. Blessings to you!

  8. Will this only work if your hair is natural? I have a relaxer on my hair and need something that will help it to grow!!

  9. I just came upon your site and FB page last week and I love it. I have been natural since 2011 and my hair should be much longer than it is (shoulder length), but I have been experience much shedding, knots etc. etc. etc. I utilized the LOC method, keep my hands out of my hair, etc, but it remains dry, brittle and won't retain moisture on the ends. I even went so far as to clip my ends (clipped more than the ends - lol); so basically I am starting over; with a different mind set. I not only want longer hair but HEALTHY HAIR. I started the 30 hair porosity last night. The ACV rinse had my hair like POW! BANG! and that's only the beginning, can't wait to see what it will be like in the end. I will keep you posted.

  10. Hi I noticed the regimen is for overly porous hair. Does it work with under porous hair? My only test was a strand test. I used to press and curl twice a month. No perm or color. I was under the impression that acv was for getting the cuticle to close where in my case that's not needed? New to this help:)

    1. The ACV helps the cuticle to lay flat and everyone needs this at times. People mistaken being overly porous or under porous as a hair type that stays the same. But all hair is porous and no hair cuticle closes all the way. The cuticle raises or lays flat, but does not close. The strand test is not accurate you would need to see a professional to test your current porosity. So do not claim the title of low porosity because that can change depending upon what you do to your hair. ACV is very low in PH and will not harm the hair. I recommend it to help you retain moisture IF you are having an issue with loosing moisture quickly. If you are not having an issue with loosing moisture then skip the ACV rinses they are not needed. So remember hair conditions change.

  11. Super excited to come across this site and find that many have the same issues I have. I've been natural for 2 years. It should be so much longer! I colored back in July 2013 and had about a 1/2 inch of color and 1/2 my natural hair. My hair is so damaged now. Its uneven and I have almost no color at all and I'm constantly untangling, pulling knots and finding coils on the floor. Between these issues and having seborrheic dermatitis. I'm ready to b/c again. But now I'm encouraged! I cant wait to try this method. Question. .what products do you recommend for wash and deep condition?

  12. After the leave in conditioner, is it ok to use oils. Or can i use the LOC/LCO method?

  13. Hi Miss Vee! I do not own a hooded dryer. Will substituting with a warm towel on my head suffice?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. How often do you have to apply a leave in conditioner or moisturizer? Does your hair tangle a lot or knot a lot? If you need to spritz with water daily or reapply a creamy product daily then most likely your hair is currently overly porous.

  15. Thanks Miss Vee! I can't wait to get started.

  16. Can your regimen be done on relaxe hair?

    1. Absolutely! This regimen is a care regimen to keep your hair/scalp healthy. You may adjust your oil usage when wearing relaxed hair because it may interfere with you styling your relaxed hair.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Thank you so much for this site!

  19. Hi, I have both low porosity and tangled hair which do your recommend I do first? Thanks

  20. On the days that i do an ACV rinse do i rinse out deep conditioner with warm or cold water?

    1. 2. Pour this ACV rinse over all your hair/scalp saturate really good. You should use at least 1/2 of your mixture or all. Allow to soak into your hair for 3 minutes then rinse for 3 minutes with the coldest water you can stand.

  21. Hi can i do this changelle with braids in my hair? Thank you

    1. No your hair needs to be loose so your hair strands can be treated with hydration.

  22. Hi Vee Mack! Do I just let my hair air dry afterwards and not put product (LOC method) on my hair? Especially since this will be the beginning of the regimen.

    1. I am not sure I understand what you are asking. So I will say that anytime you cleanse you want to follow with your leave in conditioner and oils. Your leave in provides continuous conditioning that coily hair needs all day long.

  23. on the days when I do the ACV, am I to rinse the DC with cold water or warm to allow the ACV to enter the cuticle?

    1. The purpose of ACV is to help the cuticle lay flatter. This enables your hair to hold moisture longer and gives you more shine. Always rinse your DC out with cool or cold water.

  24. I want to say Thank you so much Mrs. Vee for your insight on how to take care of natural black hair. I have had so many problems over the past years in keeping moisture retention and this is the 1st post that truly helped my hair. I have been on your porosity routine for the past 3 weeks and have seen such a difference in my hair. It is getting back to it's beautiful state. I wash my hair now and it is smooth when I run water through it even before I add the shampoo. I am truly amazed at how it lays flat and It's all natural no chemicals. I have always loved my hair but to be natural and know that it is true to not have to add chemicals and have beautiful hair is so relieving that it is just AWESOME to say the least. training me on something as simple as making a routine to wash hair in the warmest water you can take and rinsing conditioner with cold is something I would have thought that the beauticians I paid for years would have told me.PLEASE keep doing what you do and keep that beautiful spirit that shows through your smile. God Bless you

  25. I had the "Big Chop" completed last week. Now I have to figure out the best product for my naturel TWA. My sister suggested your page and it's the first I've read that has given me direction on what to do next with my TWA. Thank you. I'm going to initiate the porosity challenge starting tonight. I so appreciate the information provided.

  26. I think I have overly porous hair as well as excessive tangles. I have saved both regimens; however, I am not sure which one to start with. Should I give my attention to my tangles first or the porosity of my hair?

    1. Do the regimen for excessive tangles because it also starts to take care of your porosity issue.

  27. How do I know if I have achieved medium porous hair? I am months into the hair routine but I think that my hair is not medium porosity yet, can I repeat this again? or what should I do?

  28. where i live in Africa, i do not have access to ACV. what do i do?
    please reply.

    1. Apple cider vinegar is the brown vinegar. Are you sure your grocery stores do not carry it? It is usually located by the mustard, pickles, ketchup, picked goods, etc.

  29. I don’t know if this is still active but I was wondering what would you do if you don’t have a hooded dryer and can’t afford one? Sit in the sun with a cap on? Let it air dry?

    1. Hiya, you can wear a cap and put a hot towel over it till it cools or wear a cap and seal the edges with a headband and do a workout, that will generate heat.

  30. Hiya, you can put a plastic cap on and then wrap a hot towel around it till it cools down. I used to exercise with a cap on and then put a headband on the edge to seal it and then exercise. The workout would generate lots of heat. Hope that helps.
