Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hair regimen for those with excessive tangles

Does your hair tangle excessively no matter what you do to it?

Do you constantly have to deal with single strand knots?

Does your hair develop tangles within minutes of you untangling it?

So you spend an hour or two untangling your hair and twisting it up then when you remove the twists the next day your hair is tangled again!

Is your hair journey being hindered by excessive tangles?

If any of these questions or situations apply to your hair, this regimen will help get you on the way to healthier hair. Excessive tangles and single strand knots come from hair that is not properly moisturized or lubricated. Do not accept the incorrect information that Afro coily hair tangles a lot that is its nature. While our coily curly hair does tangle, it should not tangle excessively nor should it continuously get single strand knots. So do not accept that untruth. If your hair is properly hydrated and lubricated you will not develop tangles within minutes of untangling your who head. You will find help here, the regimen below will greatly decrease your tangles and eliminate single strand knots, once the regimen is followed for 18 days.. Everyday on the regimen, the hair becomes softer and supple, with the first improvements  within 5 days of starting this regimen..

18 Day Hydration & Lubrication Regimen 
( Decreases hair tangles and eliminates single strand knots)

Supplies needed: Moroccan red clay powder, Braggs apple cider vinegar, 1 gallon of spring water, plastic conditioning caps, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, a good leave in conditioner, pure honey, 2 cans of coconut creme concentrate.
(all items above can be purchased at the grocery store, except the red clay and the coconut oil needs to be unrefined) 
Be sure you use the items listed no substitutions each of these products have a function that is needed to give you the best outcome. Do not use grocery store plastic bags on your hair purchase a large pack of conditioning caps from the beauty supply store.

Pre- clay wash treatment  
Melts tough tangles

This pre shampoo treatment is only done at the beginning of the regimen. This is your first step before you begin day one.   Purchase a bottle of TRESemme' Smooth and Silky conditioner, from Walmart or Target.  In a bowl mix a generous amount of the conditioner with one tablespoon of coconut oil and one tablespoon of grape seed oil, apply through out your hair in sections untangling as you go. For best results cover with a plastic cap and allow to sit on hair overnight or no less than 3 hours. When you remove the cap you will notice that your tangles just melt apart. Rinse hair with warm water and proceed with clay wash for day 1c.

18-day regimen
Day one:  
A.  Mix 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and rub into hair and untangle. Cover with plastic cap and leave on overnight or at least 3 hours.
B.  Rinse oil out with warm water.
C.  Cleanse  hair with the clay wash, smooth through hair and scalp, cover with a plastic cap for 10 minutes. Rinse out clay thoroughly using medium/hot water.
D.  deep condition by mixing, 1 cup of coconut cream concentrate with 1/4 cup of honey, cover with a plastic cap and sit under hooded dryer for 20 minutes. Rinse out with cool/cold water, rinse well.
E.  Mix 2 cups of spring water with 1/2 cup of ACV and apply all the ACV rinse to hair for 3 minutes then rinse with cool
F.   Apply leave in conditioner while hair is still soaking wet. 
G.  Apply one tablespoon of coconut oil and style.
Day two:
Massage coconut oil into your scalp and smooth through your hair. Start with 1 tablespoon, then add more only if needed.
Keep hair stretched and untangled 
apply more leave in conditioner.
Day three: Repeat Day two steps, only apply leave in conditioner if needed.
Day four:   Repeat day two steps again
Day five: CLAY WASH DAY AGAIN! Repeat all the steps from day one.
Day six:  Massage 1 tablespoon of coconut oil into your scalp and hair strands and apply leave in conditioner and style.
Day seven: Repeat day 6 steps.
Day eight: Repeat day 6 steps again
Day nine:  Go back to day one and repeat the regimen again.

When you have repeated the regimen the second time you should notice drastic improvement in your hair. Now  start doing the Coily Queens regimen which puts you back with washing your hair with a non sulfate shampoo or conditioning cleanser. You will now do clay washes once per month. Now you have a complete regimen that eliminates knots, decreases your tangles and increases the hair growth rate.

2-strand twist out

Important: When you mix the clay powder, do not use any type of metal, so mix in a plastic bowl with a wooden spoon. Metal destroys the minerals which are in the clay. You want the clay wash to be a thick creamy consistency, not to runny otherwise it will be messy.

More information on clay mud washes.

For the Coily Queens Regimen, step by step.


  1. But, my hair hates Coconut Oil, can I use Palm Shortening instead??

    1. How do you know your hair hates coconut oil? What does it do to your hair?.......I do not have any substitutes for the coconut oil because it performs a specific function, all I can say is try the treatment without the coconut oil, your results will not be as good as following it step by step.

    2. Thank you so much for this tip! I also get those knots. Can’t wait to try this with my hair.

  2. Why do you add oil to the hair before the LI? I tend to do it the other way round: LI then oil.

    1. This is specifically for those dealing with excess tangles. The grape seed oil helps with untangling the hair and the coconut oil keeps the hair from breaking while wet. This is about treatment. When you get to your leave in step you are then ready to style the hair.

  3. For the coconut cream concentrate, do you mean coconut butter made from whole coconut pulp or the creme of coconut in a can?

    1. Coconut creme concentrate in the can it has more water content than the coconut butter. I purchase mines from the Mexican section of my local grocery store because it is cheaper. You can also find it on the back goods isle.

  4. thanks for these tips. It me a hwile to realise that My hair prefers coconut oil to castor oils. Nice posts



  5. Hi Vee. Alright, you won! I will be more consistent with the coily queens method. Right now though, I'm experiencing excessive tangles just as you have described in the article. After I figure out how to clay wash my hair, and do the rest of the steps.... how am I supposed to style my hair? Would goddess braids be alright? Please tell me any recommendations to help me access my scalp, I would TRULY appreciate it. Also I noticed, no where in any of the steps did you mention detangling. Did you imply that we would do this after deep conditioning, or was detangling intentionally left out ?

    1. You want to detangle before any water hits your hair or before your hair is submerged in water. It is mentioned to untangle in the first sentence of step one day one. Now with major tangles I would suggest applying a generous amount of a thick conditioner then add the grape seed oil and coconut oil on hair cover with a plastic cap and pre treat over night. The next day your tangles will melt much easier.

  6. Oops forgot to add this: I was wondering, is there any chance you could tag this post to the tangles category as well? It took me a while to find this post again.

    1. I will do that, sorry for my delayed response, I just did not see these comments.

  7. Do you have to use a hooded dryer? Could a steamer be used as well? I would love to try this, I need to order some morrocan clay.

  8. Thank you so much for this information. I just had a near meltdown because I'm 26 months post bc and I still have no real length gains. I can't even say my hair is healthy because its so dry and breaks constantly. I am going to order the stuff and get going on my journey to long healthy 4c hair. I'll keep you posted on my progress!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Vee,

    I found your website after searching for detangling for really tangled 4c hair or something to that effect. Anyway, I see that the information that you provided is very useful; however, I was confused about something. I have excessive tangles, to the point where I sometimes think about doing the big chop again.
    So on your regimen post, you say before doing the regimen, come to this post and do the 18-day regimen. But you also said, check my porosity first before doing the regimen.
    What's the order in which i should do this regimen? Is it: 1. Do regimen for excessive tangles/knots THEN 2. 30-day Porosity Correction THEN 3. CoilyQueens Hair Care Regimen?
    Or is it: 1. 30-day Porosity Correction THEN 2. Do regimen for excessive tangles/knots THEN 3. CoilyQueens Hair Care Regimen?

    Thanks, I appreciate your help.

    1. I have the same question! I have both high porosity and a lot of knots so I don't know which regimen I should even do

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Miss Vee,
    I am wondering will this regimen be safe to use on my four year old? I have been growing his hair for almost a year now and I do not want to give up but his hair is extremely tangly maybe because he has two different curl patterns I am not sure. Also, his hair does not hold moisture (I've tried many things) is tender headed and he has eczema yet a healthy scalp. What do I do for him?

  13. Will this help with excessive shedding as well? My hair has excessive tangles and sheds a LOT.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. will this regimen get rid of single strand knots COMPLETELY? I have the trifecta of hair damage: split ends, breakage and single strand knots. But I think my biggest issue is improper moisture. I wanted to try this regimen before I went to the salon for a trim hoping that I can solve the problem on my own.

    1. Yes if you follow all the steps it will eliminate all single strand knots.

    2. These are good tips. I also mix grapeseed oil, water and vegetable glycerine ( in a spray bottle. Just use a cap full or two of the glycerine. I use all kinds of oils during the week, Amla, growth oils. Your hair will be very moisturized, make sure you spray all of your strands of hair. I also use a protein leave in conditioner, called Protein Pearla by Silicon mix concentrating on the ends since they are weakest. I'm transitioning, so this helps tremendously. Coconut oil makes my hair hard, but don't use a lot.

  16. Thanks for your guidance of achieving and maintaiing healthy coills Ms. Vee! 😊

  17. Hi Vee, I went to whole foods and they don't have coconut cream concentrate. Would coconut manna work instead? If not is there another store you recommend I go to for the concentrate?

    1. You can find cans of coconut cream at the regular supermarket or maybe even the 99 cents store.

  18. When you say leave in conditioner, do you mean a liquid or a cream? What brand do you recommend?

    1. She recommends them on the regimen posts. She means to use Shea Moisture Curl enhancing smoothie or Cantu Shea butter leave in.

  19. Instead of sitting under a hooded dryer, can you use a hair steamer when doing the coconut crime and honey conditioner?

  20. Hi, I have both low porosity and tangled hair which do your recommend I do first? Thanks

  21. If you have excess tangles then do the regimen above for excessive tangles.

  22. Hi Ms. Vee!

    I am so glad that I stumbled across your site. I am really at a loss over my hair after I tried a technique that I never should have prior to this my hair was growing, was incredibly healthy and moisturized and rarely did I get single strand knots or tangles. All of that changed when I recently tried the water only method in an attempt to make styling my growing hair quicker by adding wash and go's to my styling options. So for 2 weeks, I did the most rigid regimen which utilized water only and not sealants or lubricants. When My sebum never coated my hair as The blogger who I was following said it would, I just gave up and decided to go back to my longer process, which was tried and true. But when I went back to the process, my ends were so dry, they just kept fighting one another until they tangled time and time again. It has been about 1 month since I stopped the water only process and my hair still tangles terribly, it is dry as if it is stripped, and my hair has been popping. Never before have I had what I consider ball-y ends but now I have ball-y ends. I went ahead and did a trim to try to get the ssk's but there are some that are higher up the hair strands and I don't want to have to cut those. I even went to a salon to have her look at it. She didn't get the moisture back in my hair and she spoke of trimming it. I am almost afraid to touch my hair because of the extreme dryness. I have an oil that I made which has olive oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, grape seed oil and avocado oil. Since the water regimen, the oil now sits on top of my hair. In the nearly 2 years since m&m big chop I haven't used heat, I haven't done a lot of protective styles, my hair was tyoically in a twist out and it was luscious and thriving. Now it feels like straw (not in a burnt out way but just in a parched way). Will you system rectify the damage caused by this foolish misstep?

    1. Hi verna, I know it's been a while since you posted this, but I hope you took the courageous step and started on this regimen.
      I've been battling with dryiness and bally ends myself, but I got the dryness under control, thanks to the recent tips Ms Vee posts up here.
      I try to keep my ends from tangling so much, by doing random search and destroy cuts whenever I encounter them when styling.
      It's so much easier for me, and less heart breaking. Maybe you should consider that until you feel comfortable to do another major trim or something

  23. Hello there, thank you for your extremely knowledgeable work. I live in the UK and sometimes things get lost in translation between American English and British English!!
    What exactly is coconut creme concentrate please??
