
Thursday, August 14, 2014

The top 3 products for growing your 4C hair to waist length

 Shea Moisture Curl & Shine shampoo

Afro curly hair thrives on moisture. Your hair care regimen starts with a good cleansing regimen. Hair should be washed weekly with a non sulfate moisturizing shampoo. You want your hair cleansed but not stripped. No shampoo does it better than Shea Moisture Curl & Shine hibiscus and coconut shampoo. This shampoo is sulfate FREE. It cleanses your scalp and leaves your hair tangle free. It  contains no harsh ingredients and is PH balanced for the hair. Using PH balanced products for the hair is the first step to finding your curl pattern.

A Seamless Comb

 Growing your hair to great lengths requires you to preserve your hair strands. Brushing and combing, weakens your protein bonds and leads to breakage. Weekly breakage leads to no length retention. Finger combing is still the number one way to preserve your hair, however using a seamless comb is the second way. Once you use a seamless comb you will never again allow a comb with seams to go through your hair. A seamless comb is something you must experience for yourself. Worth the small investment. Best comb is the HS703WW styling comb.

Aphogee 2-step treatment

Aphogee 2-step treatment
The secret to growing your hair to waist length is to preserve your hair strands. Hair is a fiber and like most fibers it gets worn out overtime. Giving your hair regular good protein treatments is the key to growing your hair to waist length. (Always follow instructions on the bottle) More information on protein keratin  treatments here.


  1. wow, thank you for breaking it down.

  2. Thank you for the detailed information. Where can I purchase the products?

    1. You can find the aphogee 2 step at most beauty supply stores. The Shea Moisture at Target or Walmart. Seamless comb at Thank you for reading my article blessings!!!

    2. Nice article! Some of these products can be found on

  3. Thank you for consistently putting up the NM dates Vee. :) I trimmed on the Sept 27th date and today is day 40 and it's the length it was before I trimmed. I'll check again in 35 days and trim again in January. I also started using the two products above and I don't think the Aphogee is working anymore. I use it weekly in my wash and it just does't turn my white when it dries up and it's not a bit stiff like it was the first time I used it.

    1. You are using the Aphogee 2 step weekly in your wash? If so that is incorrect usage for that product. Any protein treatment wears off daily because they are temporary. So they must be redone as per the instructions on the protein treatment you choose. If done correctly no such thing as the aphogee not working anymore. If it sticks to your hair is it working.....Continue to measure and hope you receive growth increase from the NM dates. reread my November article and be sure you do not have any negative energy blocking your progress. I get emails weekly on individuals having elevated growth rates. So lets hope you are one of them. It works for me, I have done 3 just this year. Two of the times I received lots of increase in my hair growth rate. I averaged 7 inches of new growth last year....So keep trying, this is an old concept. Thanks for your comment.

  4. I have made the switch! I I switched from Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Retention Shampoo to the Shea Moisture Curl and Shine Shampoo. OMG I don't know why I haven't tried this shampoo sooner. Granted I've only used it once, but oh my, it has definitely done the job and it's my new staple. Thanks so much for recommending this.

    1. I've been using it for a few months now and I love it.

    2. Thanks for stopping by please visit again.
