
Thursday, September 24, 2015

3 day Moisture Infusion Treatment for the busy woman

What you will need:
Organic Apple cider vinegar
Raw honey
Pure aloe vera leaf
4 plastic conditioning caps
Knit hat, scarf or bonnet
Good quality leave in conditioner
A good quality natural oil. Select one: castor oil, avocado oil 

Night before day one:
 Apply this pre-treatment to your hair the night before your shampoo day. It will melt bad tangles and single strand knots.  Apply the Honey aloe pre-treatment to hair cover with a plastic cap and scarf overnight. 

When you need to save time, apply the pre-treatment, cover with a plastic cap and let it sit on hair for 3 hours. Proceed
 with shampoo routine.
Honey & Aloe pre-treatment recipe
1/3 cup of pure aloe vera leaf
2 tablespoons of raw honey
2 tablespoons of EVOO

Organic apple cider vinegar

Day one:
Shampoo and deep condition your hair.
Rinse deep conditioner out with cool water.
With hair soaking wet,  pour an ACV rinse over your hair.
Let it sit for 3 minutes.
Rinse out with cool water.
Apply leave in conditioner and oils.
Proceed with setting your hair.
Self heating conditioning cap

At bedtime cover hair with plastic conditioning cap, followed by a knit hat or scarf.
Remove first thing in the morning, to allow hair to dry.
This means you may want to get up 20 minutes earlier to allot for drying time.
Hair should be completely dry before styling, if you are wearing twist outs or braids outs. 

I can help you grow your hair! 

Days two and three:
You will baggy your hair each night for the next two nights in a row.
Applying a leave in conditioner and oil before each baggy treatment.
TIP: store your leave in conditioner in the refrigerator and apply it to your hair cold. The cold product will help the cuticle to lay flatter and lock in more moisture.

On day 4 you should notice your hair staying hydrated longer. If you find that your hair is still getting dry and hard before the end of the day, then proceed to  the  9 day moisture therapy treatment. 

Please keep in mind, that your hair has been dehydrated for a long time, so for some people it will take several days or weeks to get the hair to hold moisture. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

One awesome product with five functions

You must try the Banana Slip Detangler by Terra Veda Organix!

Light weight multi purpose detangler
I recently had the pleasure of using this wonderful product on my hair while removing some of my braids. Upon removing a braid, I would apply some of the banana slip detangler. I let the banana slip detangler sit on the hair for a minute, then I detangled my hair with ease. The moisture from this detangler kept me from losing  hair due to dryness, which is common when you wear extensions.

Not only does this product provide good slip but it is PH balanced and silicone free. The banana slip makes a great light weight leave in conditioner. If you rather have a light weight leave in instead of a thick one, this is a product to try. 

An aloe vera infusion of: banana, broccoli seed oil, marshmallow root, sweet almond oil and turmeric and other conditioners.  This product and all of Terra Veda products are free of: parabens, sulfates, silicones, mineral oil and petroleum. 

If you love the kinky curly knot today, then you will love this even more. Except with this banana slip detangler you do not have to add anything else to it. This product performs well all on its own. You are also supporting a black owned sister business, when you buy this product. I know you love that!

  • Detangler
  • Leave in conditioner
  • moisturizer
  • rinse out conditioner
  • Pre-poo treatment 

Stop by the Terra Veda Organix website and check out their other fabulous products. Let's remember to Support a Sista! When you try them come back and let me know your experience.

Terra Veda Organix 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

How to work clay into your hair care regimen

Answering all of your questions about clay

You have  read about how awesome clay is for the hair.  You would love to try it, but you have no ideal where to start.

Where do I purchase clay?
>>>You can find clays at your local health food stores. You can also find good values on
     Here is a great deal on bentonite clay!
     Great buy on Red Clay!

I have seen several kinds of clay which one do I start with?
>>>Red clay aka Moroccan clay, green clay, rhassaoul clay, kaolin clay and bentonite clay. Your jar of clay will tell you the origins of the clay. As a beginner working with clay it is best to start with bentonite clay. Bentonite clay is great for the face and hair.

How do I use it on my hair?
>>>Create your clay mixture and mix into a thick conditioner consistency. Then slather it on the hair being sure to cover all of your hair. Cover hair with plastic conditioning cap for 1 hour. Then rinse with warm water until all clay is removed.
A popular brand of Red Clay! Buy now!
Go ahead and do a face masque with whatever is left from your hair masque. Clay mixes should be made when ready to use.

Cover with a self heating conditioning cap for 1 hour or more.

I purchased some clay, but the jar does not say it can be used on the hair.
>>>Look at the contents of your clay, if it says any of the clays listed above and that you can use it on the face then you are fine. The popular brand of bentonite clay I use does not have instructions for using it on the hair. However I have used it on my hair for years. Be sure your bentonite clay says calcium bentonite. 

Do I have to use apple cider vinegar, in my mix?
>>>The acv helps to lower the PH of the clay, so it is highly recommended to use acv in your clay masque.

How often can I use clay on my hair?
>>>I recommend once per month, however you can use it once a week if you desire. Some people let clay washes take the complete place of their shampoos. Clay cleanses deep but without stripping the hair. If you clay mixture is prepared correctly it will cleanse and condition in one step.

How long do I leave it on my hair?
>>>Cover with a plastic conditioning cap and leave on 1 to 3 hours. 

Do I sit under a dryer?
>>>No it is not recommended. Remember you are working with clay you do not want the clay to dry tight onto your scalp. This will make it hard to rinse off.

Do I still use shampoo after I use clay?
>>>No, the clay is your cleanser. No need to double clean, because that will only take away any conditioning the clay has done for your hair. 
A smooth mix of red clay
This mix is kinda lumpy, you want to mix until creamy like above.

Do I deep condition after a clay treatment?
>>>If your clay mixture is made perfectly for your hair you will not have to. Clay cleans and conditions in one step. However if you find that the conditioning from the clay is not enough you can proceed with deep conditioning. Remember you should be applying a leave in conditioner after every cleanse. So you will have continuous conditioning.  

In addition to cleansing and conditioning clay washes also make your curl pattern more pronounced and your hair easier to untangle. 

For more information about clay washes go here.

Do you have more questions about clay and using it on the hair? Ask below please.

Increase your hair growth rate with New Moon trimming (Sept)

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,a time to plant and a time to uproot,a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Timing is important in this world's system. Some even believe having the right timing is everything in terms of success. Even if timing is not everything to you, you must agree that timing is important. There is a certain time of the month a woman can have a baby, and only that time. If the timing is off the egg will not be fertilized. So even in creating life timing is everything.

Stimulate your hair growth rate by trimming your hair during high energy days. Each month, there are certain high energy times based on the position of the moon, in which hair growth is optimal.It only takes one new moon trim to stimulate your hair growth rate, this is not something you must do every month. 

Simply choose one of the dates below and with trimming scissors, trim as much hair as you need. The amount you trim does not matter.
New Moon trim dates for September
26th* Super high energy day
27th* Super Moon/Blood Moon

September 27th  the will be a Super moon, this means the moon is the closets to the earth. In Super Moon the moon emits more energy than usual. This is a perfect time to trim your hair. Ideally you would trim your hair as the moon is growing bigger. This means you trim over 2 or 3 days. 

Decide now how much you want to trim. How much you trim does not matter. Say you plan to trim 1/2 inch. You decide to do your trims over a two day period. So divide the amount you plan to trim in half. Choose your two trim days from above. It would be wise to choose the 26th and 27th. On the 26th you will trim 1/4 of an inch. The 27th you will trim the other 1/4 inch. This equals 1/2 inch for you two day trim. After you trim, write down your length. Remeasure your length again in 40 days. You should receive double to triple your normal growth rate increase. In order to accurately know you must know how much your hair grows normally each month. 

The 27th also brings us a Total Lunar Eclipse, this causes the moon to be red in color. This Blood Moon gives off lots of energy. Super Moon and Blood Moon, powerful!

Subscribe to receive New Moon trimming dates from us every month. My dates are unique and vary from what you will see elsewhere. Send your request to: and you can get the monthly newsletter  with the dates each month.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Your Own Personal Hair Growth Coach

I can help you GROW  your hair much longer!!!

Are you tired of slow hair growth?

Are you frustrated with hair regimen setbacks? 

If so, then you could use a Personal Hair Growth Coach, like me!

Seeing pictures of long hair on others is nice, but it is  better when the picture is YOU!

I can help you grow your hair long!!!

Help you grow it long and healthy!

I've helped hundreds of  women grow their hair longer, online, for the past 5 years,  and I can help you. Do not spend another day listening to people complain about what cannot be done concerning your  hair. If  you want success, in anything,  you must work for it and align yourself with people who can help you reach your goals.

I can help you reach your hair growth goals, by being your Hair Growth Coach.  I love hair, know hair and can GROW hair.  Now you have a chance to grow your hair longer and stronger!

Yes you can grow your natural 4C hair long!

Soft healthy free flowing natural hair growth!

Stop the hair setbacks!
Sign up for Personal Hair Growth Coaching today!


Personal Hair Growth Coaching includes:
  • How to hydrate your hair and keep it that way!
  • How to grow one inch of new growth in 30 days!
  • How to double or triple your normal hair growth rate!
  • How to eliminate tangles and detangle faster!
  • Learn the best conditioners, oils and cleansers to use!
  • How you can make your own products!
  •  A personal regimen created just for you!
  • How to create the perfect twist out! 

  • Access to my exclusive never shared hair growth enhancers.
  • Access to hair growth techniques which are only shared through personal coaching, not in my groups or here.
  • Exclusive instructions  to Vee's Sauna Treatment 2
  • Discounts on specific hair growth products.
What an awesome deal!
You get all of this for only $47.00

You will have video coaching, phone coaching available to you weekly. You will have email access to me daily  for 7 weeks to help you with your hair questions and concerns. 

What some are saying!
Must be 18 years old
Must be committed to your hair care
      If you give me, your time, consideration, focus, work and dedication I will help you grow your hair long. People will marvel at your long healthy hair pictures.
Must have a facebook page, GMAIL . 
     Communication will be through gmail, facebook ,  google+ or phone. Video tutorials will be provided if needed.
Must be willing to follow  the recommended regimen we agree upon together.
     You cannot flip flop with regimens. Be consistent and have time for your hair care. 
Must know how to send  pictures of your hair.
     I will need to see your hair. 


Beautiful soft twist out styles!




Please write in your phone number on your paypal account. I will send the confirmation email to your email address that is attached to your paypal account. Listing your phone number gives me two ways to contact you

Click the "buy now" button below and pay $47.00 via paypal. I will email you within 3 DAYS. Get ready to GROW!!!


PayPal Logo

Thursday, September 3, 2015

What to expect from your hair growth vitamins

Impatience is the main reason products do not work. To many people purchase a hair growth vitamin, take it for 2 week, then say they see no difference. Stop looking for quick microwave results. If you choose to invest in a hair growth supplement, you will need to purchase nothing short of a 3 months supply. If you want to achieve maximum results you will need to take the supplement for at least 6 months.
Is it growing yet?
Hair vitamins should be taken with food and 8 ounces of water per dosage. The water helps the vitamins absorb better into your system. Taking your vitamins with food, helps your body feel like the nutrients are coming from the food instead of a supplement. You still want to eat a well balanced meal when taking vitamins because some studies show that we only absorb about 20% of vitamins we take.  So one should not purposely eat poorly just because they are using vitamin supplements. Liquid vitamins and capsules absorb the best. 

Chicken over veggies! Protein=Growth!

No falsies no overlays!

Do not be anxious for growth. Take measurements before you start a vitamin, then measure again in 40 days. You will first notice growth in your fingernails. After 3 weeks on a hair vitamin you will notice longer healthier fingernails.  Some people experience breakouts from certain hair vitamins, but following my suggestion of a drinking 8 ounces of water with each dose should eliminate that. Keep a journal of when you start the supplements and any changes you see in your body. Hair supplements affect each person differently so keeping a journal will help you track any changes you feel,  good or bad. Always consult your doctor about any supplements you plan to take.

 Always purchase a 3-6 months supply
Drink 8 ounces of water with each dose
Take vitamins with food
keep a journal of any changes that occur.
Liquid vitamins are the best, capsules second best.
Expect longer healthier nails in 3 weeks
Do not check for growth until the 40 day mark.
Consult your doctor about your supplements 
Vitamins helped me to grow long healthy hair

Yes you can grow your hair long!!!

I recommend two liquid vitamins: 
     Mineral Rich liquid vitamin order here!
     Now multi liquid vitamins order here!

Mineral liquid vitamin

My hair growth story with Mineral Rich.

See how the Beauty Vites hair vitamins compared to Hairfinity vitmains

Order a 3 months supply of  Mineral Rich liquid vitamins here

Order a 3 months supply of Beauty Vites HSN vitamins.  Use the discount code: coilyqueens and get %15 off total order at checkout. Click green box below!

Protective styling the Coily Queens way

VeeTwists with extensions
Protective styling: Covering your natural hair with fake hair for an extended period of time or wearing your natural hair in a style in which your ends are not loose.

For the most part this is what the term "protective styling" means to those who commonly use it. They feel their Afro texture hair will not retain length unless it is covered with fake hair or tucked away. A large number of women with type 4 hair strongly feel they cannot retain length without protective styling in this way. Having 4C hair I find that to not be the case. I have grown my hair using extensions and not using extensions. I retained healthier growth without using fake hair. Having achieved long length both ways, I have come to view the term "protective styling" differently.

Protection from what?
So what are black women protecting their hair from? Some will say from the elements, the sun, the atmosphere. But our hair is made to withstand the sun, unless you are one who spends hours in the sun. Most of us work inside. The air hot or cold will not damage properly groomed hair. Our hair keeps the head warm and works as a filter. If Afro hair has to be protected from the elements, then why does white hair or Asian hair not need protection? Afro hair is made mostly of protein the same as any other group. The truth is Afro hair is just as strong as any other hair. What it needs protection from is styling methods, improper use of style tools and harsh chemicals in hair products. Those are the things which cause Afro hair to break or any hair to break.

Skinny braids!
Simply covering your hair with fake hair alone does not protect the hair. There are many people who experience breakage when they remove their braid extensions or weaves. Many times the hair will thin out when coming out of a weave. The person received length but now their ends are thin and see through. In order for fake hair to protect your hair you must follow a moisture and strengthening regimen before applying the extensions and while in the extensions.You must also remove the extensions in a healthy way. 

The Braid, Retain and Grow method is the absolute best method to use before you apply any type of hair extensions or weaves. This method will help you retain the healthiest growth from your protective style.

Preparing your hair for the braid process
What to do to the hair as it is getting braided
How to take care of your scalp while in the extensions
The best way to remove your extensions to avoid breakage. Get the BRG method.

Nails are filed and oiled, so no snagging the hair.
How the CoilyQueens Regimen defines protective styling
Protective styling under the Coily Queens Regimen involves: maintaining regular protein treatments, finger combing and keeping the hair hydrated. Protective styling is not applying fake hair, it is styling your hair gently using your God blessed fingers.  The CQR does not use combs, any type of hair brush or blow dryers. Using combs and brushes only snap and pop Afro curly hair.  Daily styling is achieved using the fingers only. When you follow the Coily Queens Regimen your hair will be soft, free of knots and easy to untangle. This makes it easy to style the hair with your fingers. On this regimen you are free to enjoy your hair daily and not have to cover it with fake hair all of the time. You can rock twist outs, wash and goes, braid outs daily and still retain length.  Hair is free flowing and able to  grow freely while you enjoy your hair, the same as other groups.

My everyday twist out!

Two strand twist out

Flat twist out!
Bedtime set in about 12 medium twists

How I set my hair at bedtime. 
I massage my scalp with a natural oil and lubricate my strands. Apply a moisturizer only if needed. Then I two strand twists in medium sections. In the morning I untwist, style with my fingers, shake and go. Easy breezy Coily Queen!!!! You can be one to on the Coily Queens Regimen start today!

Easy Breezy Coily Queen!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Jamaican Black Castor Oil versus cold pressed castor oil

If you have  frequented hair forums or groups, for more than one week, then you have seen posts about Jamaican Black Castor oil aka JBCO. You have probably read many testimonies in which someone says it helped them grow their hair longer.  Many women have written testimonies about Jamaican Black Castor Oil growing their edges back. JBCO is widely used as a hair growth agent and hair softener. 
Castor bean plant

But what exactly is JBCO and how does it differ from regular castor oil? 
You will find several makers of JBCO. Jamacian Black castor oil is made from the castor bean plant. The way in which it is extracted from the castor bean is by using high amounts of heat. The oil is kept at high heat for so long that it develops ash. This ash makes the oil appear a little darker in color. The makers of this refined oil claim that the ash content, which develops in the oil, is what causes the hair to grow. These are the claims of Tropical Traditions makers of a JBCO product.

Order here!!!

Cold pressed castor oil is extracted from the castor bean plant using a pressing method. High heat is not used during the cold pressed procedure, therefore the castor retains it amazing benefits. We know that the longer you cook food on high heat the more of the nutritional properties you destroy. Natural oils fall under the same law. So when choosing any type of natural oil you always want to look for a unrefined cold pressed oil. This is the best choice for your money. 

Both JBCO and castor oil are made from the same castor bean plant. The big difference in the two oils is how it is extracted from the castor bean plant. Cold pressed is a better buy. JBCO is overpriced refined castor oil.

Castor oil softens and conditions hair

Which is better for the hair?
Cold pressed castor has more benefits for the hair and body than the over processed JBCO. You also get more product for your money by purchasing  cold pressed castor oil. On average JBCO cost  around  $7.99 for 4 ounces. This is overpriced for castor oil. You are paying to much money for burnt oil.

Benefits of cold pressed castor oil
Anti bacterial and anti fungal
softens hair dramatically
Reduces frizzy hair 
Full of fatty acids which nourish the scalp and prevents it from drying out.
Increase hair growth
Stimulates the scalp
Hair regeneration (with consistent use for 2 months or more)
Strong pain reliever
Anti inflammatory, soothes inflamed skin.

The castor oil I use and recommend is by Home Health, I purchased a large 32 ounce for 12.99.  Much better value and quality castor oil. ORDER HERE!