
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Increase your hair growth rate with New Moon trimming (Sept)

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,a time to plant and a time to uproot,a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Timing is important in this world's system. Some even believe having the right timing is everything in terms of success. Even if timing is not everything to you, you must agree that timing is important. There is a certain time of the month a woman can have a baby, and only that time. If the timing is off the egg will not be fertilized. So even in creating life timing is everything.

Stimulate your hair growth rate by trimming your hair during high energy days. Each month, there are certain high energy times based on the position of the moon, in which hair growth is optimal.It only takes one new moon trim to stimulate your hair growth rate, this is not something you must do every month. 

Simply choose one of the dates below and with trimming scissors, trim as much hair as you need. The amount you trim does not matter.
New Moon trim dates for September
26th* Super high energy day
27th* Super Moon/Blood Moon

September 27th  the will be a Super moon, this means the moon is the closets to the earth. In Super Moon the moon emits more energy than usual. This is a perfect time to trim your hair. Ideally you would trim your hair as the moon is growing bigger. This means you trim over 2 or 3 days. 

Decide now how much you want to trim. How much you trim does not matter. Say you plan to trim 1/2 inch. You decide to do your trims over a two day period. So divide the amount you plan to trim in half. Choose your two trim days from above. It would be wise to choose the 26th and 27th. On the 26th you will trim 1/4 of an inch. The 27th you will trim the other 1/4 inch. This equals 1/2 inch for you two day trim. After you trim, write down your length. Remeasure your length again in 40 days. You should receive double to triple your normal growth rate increase. In order to accurately know you must know how much your hair grows normally each month. 

The 27th also brings us a Total Lunar Eclipse, this causes the moon to be red in color. This Blood Moon gives off lots of energy. Super Moon and Blood Moon, powerful!

Subscribe to receive New Moon trimming dates from us every month. My dates are unique and vary from what you will see elsewhere. Send your request to: and you can get the monthly newsletter  with the dates each month.


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  3. Where do get ur dates? I follow through. Morocco method dates most often. I don't trim every new moon though.

    1. Hello thanks for reading! I look at the lunar calendar and chose dates based on the position of the moon as it grows. So you are not trimming on the New Moon exactly but during the first quarter phase. I also use spiritual discernment when picking my dates. This has worked for almost two years. I get lots of people who contact me on FB and tell me how my dates work for them.

    2. Hi Vee,
      First, I am a follower and want to thank you for sharing, inspiring, & encouraging us. I have alopecia and have made attempts in sending requests to be placed on your mailing list. Each attempt resulted in a failed attempt message I've received. I am not sure why, but the message says, "The email account you tried to reach does not exist." I too am currently using The Morocco Method. Please help, as I am not sure what it is I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance.

    3. Thanks for letting me know, let me see what is wrong.

    4. I made an error when I posted the address. the correct email address is But I have listed the Sept dates above for all to see, I will also list the October dates before the end of this week. Blessings!

    5. You are welcome. Yes & thanks, I am aware of the posted dates. A questions I have are---
      1. With alopecia, how should I cut for this condition?
      2. Do you think there could be any setbacks in cutting my hair during the Full Moon and changing to the New Moon?

    6. If you cut on the wrong days you can stunt your growth. In the case of Alopecia I would recommend treating the hair during this time. You can also start a new hair treatment, whether it is a tropical cream or hair vitamin. You can start treatments during these high energy days and get better results......You can only trim the hair you have. You have to treat for the scalp.

    7. VEE, thank you so much. This is Just what I will do. I prayed about this and asked for assurance...I've got it. Blessings to you. Pray for me, as I will surely do the same for you.

    8. AMEN! Always consult God through prayer. You will not be led wrong. I would love to work with you in growing your hair back. I offer one on one coaching. If you did not see my post here it is with more information. You can also follow me on FB "Vee CoilyQueen Mack"

    9. VEE, thank you so much. This is Just what I will do. I prayed about this and asked for assurance...I've got it. Blessings to you. Pray for me, as I will surely do the same for you.

  4. Okay, I'll have to find a lunar calendar that I like. I was following one that gave dates for making life decisions, beauty, money etc. Maybe I'll go back to that one, but I have started using some of your methods for restoring moisture to my daughters hair and for once she is wanting to style her hair in twist outs/ braid outs. Thanks, your methods are working for us!

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  6. I dont follow signs and moons for anything . I Just Dont believe in none of this stuff.

    1. You do not have to follow this nor believe in it. This is article is for those who are interested plain and simple. I make the title very clear so people know what this article is about before they click it.
