Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nine day moisture retention therapy (for Coily Queens)


Do you have a problem keeping your hair moisturized?
Do you apply product after product, only to still end up with dry hair?
Are you constantly in search of a moisturizer which will work on your hair?
Are your ends bushy?
Do you get single strand knots all the time?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then help is available to you, by committing to the Nine day moisture retention therapy treatment for tightly coily hair.

Supplies needed for this therapy:
A non sulfate moisturizing shampoo or conditioning cleanser.
A good quality moisturizing deep conditioner.
A hair dryer you sit under or steamer.
One of these three natural oils: coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil.
ACV (organic apple cider vinegar)
Plastic conditioning caps
Cup for ACV mixture
One bottle water or filtered water.
A good leave in conditioner. I recommend shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie.
Personal dedication and consistency.

Ladies this works! Get ready to transform your hair and your journey!!!!!!!
Ready! Set! Let's go!!!!!!!!!! 9 days to healthier hair!!!!!!!

Day one:
Shampoo your hair with non sulfate shampoo or cleansing conditioner.
After rinsing apply deep conditioner liberally to your hair strands. Sit under dryer for 20 minutes.
Rinse out deep conditioner with cool water.
Mix 1/4 ACV with 2 cups of bottle or filtered water, inside your cup, and pour over all hair strands and scalp. Let it sit on hair for 3 minutes, use a timer.
Rinse ACV from hair with COLD water. Very important the water be cold.
Rinse with cold water for 3 minutes, again use a timer.
Apply your leave in conditioner
Proceed with styling, Be sure to oil your scalp and hair with: coconut oil, avocado oil or EVOO.
Note: The ACV closes the hair cuticle which helps the hair to retain the moisturizing benefits of your deep conditioning treatments.

Day two:
Apply your leave in moisturizer
Massage natural oil of choice into your scalp and hair strands.
Proceed with styling. (do not use heat)

Note: If your hair is prone to tangling it would be best to shampoo your hair while it is in large two strand twists.

Day three:
Shampoo hair with non sulfate shampoo or cleansing conditioner
Rinse out with cool water
Apply a deep conditioner to all your hair strands concentrate on the ends.
Sit under dryer for 20 minutes
Rinse out with cold water for 3 minutes or more.
Apply leave in conditioner.
Apply natural oil to your hair and scalp.
Proceed with styling (no heat allowed)
By day three you should notice a reduction in hair shedding and breakage and softer hair.

Day four:
Repeat steps for day two.

Day five:
Repeat same steps from day four

Day six:
Shampoo day again.
Follow steps from day one
On this day you should notice a huge improvement in your hairs moisture levels.

Day seven:
Repeat steps from day 5.

Day eight:
Repeat same steps again

Day nine:                 

It is shampoo time again.
Repeat steps from day three.

If you need to repeat the therapy, wait 3 days after day nine before starting back at day one



When you follow these instructions precisely, you will notice by day nine, softer, more moisturized hair, less shedding, shinier healthier looking hair, and the need to apply less moisturizer daily.

After day nine if you do not see at least 70% improvement in your hair, start the moisture therapy over again. After the second round is complete with this moisture therapy your hair should be in much better shape. Going forward incorporate some of these steps into your regular regimen. Shampoo your hair no less that once per week and deep condition weekly. Once your hair starts to retain moisture you can stop doing ACV rinses once a week. The ACV rinse should not be a part of your weekly regimen use them only when needed.

This nine day therapy is designed to help those dealing with dry, brittle, tangled hair. Once you have finished the nine days then transition into the Coily Queens Regimen. The CQR will continue to transform your hair and enable you to enhance your hair growth rate and style your hair better. Because hair styles better when it is hydrated, healthy and lubricated.

Subscribe to this blog for new updates, free hair coaching and  information you will find on no other hair blog. The subscribe box with the thumbnail profile pictures is located in the right hand column at the top. Leave all your questions below.

Enjoy your hair transformation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vmack Products Copyright©2012-2013


  1. Great post. I'm willing to give this a try but why wouldn't you wash with a sulfate shampoo first to get rid of all the buildup and stuff first?

    1. Sulfates strips the hair of any natural oils, and moisture basically sulfate is very harsh on the hair and scalp (folicles)

    2. And if you wash often, you shouldn't have much of a buildup

  2. Thanks you!..... I have not used a sulfate shampoo in 3 years, it is not necessary to cleanse your hair with a sulfate shampoo. If your hair is tightly coily stay away from them because sulfates cause our hair to tangle, really bad and strip it of its natural oils. Sulfates are not the only ingredients which cleans. The non sulfate shampoos also have cleansing agents in them and they clean perfectly. I recommend any of the Shea Moisture,moisture retention shampoo or their thickening shampoo. You will see that these shampoos lather really well. Also our hair does not get that dirty unless there are special circumstances such as needing to remove chlorine or something like that..... I apply oils to my hair on a daily basis and the non sulfate shampoos clean my hair with one lather. Hope this makes sense and hope it helps. Let me know and ask all the questions you need. Blessings!!!!!

  3. Thank you for clarifying. On the hair boards they always say clarify with a sulfate shampoo to get a clean slate and that made me think that sulfate free shampoos don't cleanse as well but I do have the Shea moisture moisture retention shampoo. I thought I needed to purchase another one with sulfates you just saved me some money.

  4. I personally find that I have softer, more manageable hair w/ considerably less shedding and no breakage when I apply sealant to my ends only. Is that wrong? When i used to apply sealant to my entire head my hair was shedding like crazy and it would never retain moisture as well as it is now.

  5. Hi Tiffany!
    Applying oils to your entire hair strands will not make your hair shed. It could be just what your hair was going through at the time. Other factors to consider: the types of oils used, whether the oil had expired or not, you health at the time, wrong combination of products, expired oils can have a bacteria build up in them, etc. Natural oils such as coconut, olive or avocado oil help the hair a lot. Another thing to note is that shedding is not a bad thing, the more your hair grows the more it will shed. Our goal is to not let our hair break. During certain seasons our hair sheds more than other seasons. These are all things to remember as you continue your hair journey. It is good to keep a journal on your haircare also....All in all if you are more comfortable only applying oils to your ends then I would continue using that routine. Thanks for your question and comment. Ask anytime.

  6. lol i forgot to tell u...i was shedding a ridiculous amount for almost a year

  7. im going to start your regimen this week but do a few things different...because im in the military my hair has to beat neat & orderly lmao so air drying my hair post 4 months relaxer is really no longer an option, usually what i do is air dry to about 80%, generously apply heat protectant and blow dry on cool setting. Also im using a pressing comb lol i knoooooo BAD! lol but its only warm, not hot. Also im not going to put oil on my hair, just to seal my ends and stimulate my scalp. I've been using light heat again once a week for two weeks now and my hair is responding better than it did when i was only air drying w/ no heat. I'll be sure to keep a journal and take pictures of my progress :) wish me luck!

  8. Thank you for your service Tiffany! Could you not put your hair in neat two strand twists and allow them to dry that way. Do individual twists then pin them up nice into a bun. This way you need no heat. Another option is to style your hair back into a bun using a no alcohol gel. After you shampoo and DC, smooth hair back into a bun using gel and cover with a scarf to flatten even more. Bam! Your hair is neat and orderly.....Okay if you must use heat, could you use the flat iron instead of the pressing comb? The flat iron is the lesser of these two evils....So are you transitioning or stretching your relaxer?...Also when I oil I concentrate on my scalp first, then while massaging I smooth the oil through my hair strands. So I am not just applying lots of oils to my hair daily. There is a technique to it, and it works wonders. No knots, less tangles, more sheen and better growth.....And yes I wish you the best, work smart and stay safe!

  9. @ Vee Mack - thanks 4 the advice! :) i am transitioning, trying 2 @ least lol. I guess I could do tht but my hair was shedding soooo much when i completely air dried & used oil on my hair.

  10. hi, does it mean i have to shampoo my hair 4times in 9days & this is my 9months of my hair journey & i have never used a leave-in conditioner or used hood dryer for my deep conditioner. i only used hot towel to cover my hair cos i live in czech republic is hard to see products for black hair only ors product but not all of their products so what will i do cos my hair is always dry, itchy & my back hair is not growing well like my front hair..

  11. Yes if you include day one it would add up to 4 shampoos. If you use a hot towel to help your deep conditioner penetrate better that will do....Examine what you are doing to the back of your hair: Do you sleep on the back of your hair? Do you wear your ponytails to tights and the hair pulls the back out? Are you tying your scarf to tight in the back creating a circulation problem? Do you have a lot of tension in your neck? The muscle along the back of your head at the bottom is the largest muscle in your scalp and it can get tensed. Start giving yourself scalp massages for 10 minutes daily. Because you are limited due to where you live you will need to strongly rely on natural ways to care for your hair. Look up recipes to make your own conditioner.....Also examine the products you are using on your hair currently because some of them could be causing your dry scalp issue......You could also have a fungus issue giving you the itchy scalp. Keeping your scalp clean helps to kill the fungus. But you also need to replenish the scalp with oils. Try your grocery store for Sunflower oil (this oils is good for infections of the scalp and itchiness) Also use coconut oil which is anti bacteria and anti fungal. Add a drop or two of tea tree oil to heal and soothe your scalp. Be light with the tea tree oil it is strong.......If your hair is dry you need a leave in conditioner. These types of conditioners were made for black hair.

  12. Hello it's me again. I have taken my braids out and I'm one year post relaxer. Is this regimen safe for transitioning hair or do I need to tweak it. My hair is extremely dry and I'm willing to give this a try.

  13. Hello there :) this regimen is only meant to be used for 9 days to help correct your moisture levels and properly hydrate your hair. If your hair is extremely dry, I strongly recommend the ACV rinse step to close your cuticle so your hair can retain moisture longer. Yes this regimen is safe for transitioning hair. Be sure to take your time untangling your hair because of the two textures also it may be useful after the first initial wash for you to shampoo with your hair in large braids/twists to cut down on tangles. If you follow the steps correctly in this regimen you will only need to do this for 9 days. The main issue is reading the instructions carefully and following them correctly to produce the best results.

  14. Can you try this with braids/twists? Or does your hair need to be free flowing? I'd like to start it tonight, but if it's not recommended I'll start in a few weeks once I take my Havana twists out.

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  19. so, can I use this regimen for 9 days instead of the 18 day routine? It seems it would be doing the same thing as far as hair goals go, plus I'm almost out of red clay. Any suggestions?

  20. What about ppl with low porosity hair?is the acv rinse and cold water necesary since our cuticles are generally closed?

    1. I was wondering the same thing

    2. Low porosity is just normal porosity. You still follow all the steps. Because if you are needing this, it means your hair is consistently dry. So follow all the steps as is.

  21. Yes! I have the same question. How does one operate if one has low porosity hair. Do we prepoo with an oil mix and are we still supposed to rinse with cold water and do the ACV rinses too? Please respond? Marilyn

  22. Will this regimen work for 4c low porosity hair?

  23. Hi I have a few questions! First of all I am caucasian and have pretty normal, curly/wavy hair except for the underneath areas, where the hair is kinky, dry, frizzy, and coarse. Absolutely nothing I have tried has done anything to help. Do you believe this treatment would? I do not see why it wouldn't but I also know this site is tailored toward african american natural hair. Second questions- if you do think I should try this, on the days where you do not wash do you still apply leave in conditioner and oil to damp hair or do you just apply to dry hair? Thanks!!!!

  24. I did the 9day regimen and the oil kinda just sits on my hair i am using the Shea moisture product as a leave-in conditioner and qhemets alma&olive heavy cream

    1. Hello the oils which absorb into the strands only do so partially. Oils do sit on top of the hair and lubricate it for flexibility and locking in moisture. So that is normal.

  25. High i did the 9 day regimen 2twice and it is working great i stuck with it this time and o am glad i did now i have to work on my edges thank you

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